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Bob Collins Delivery CP Mechanical Training

NHS Trust Case Study


Hydro-X Training works with a number of NHS Trusts across the UK to deliver compliance solutions. We have ensured our clients have access to a number of delivery options including onsite, virtual and in-centre training. We have recently enjoyed providing training for one NHS Trust at their multiple sites.

The Challenge

Yasmeen Bashir our Business Development Manager, began the relationship between Hydro-X Training and the Trust back in 2022 with their Acting Head of Estates and Estates Manager. Yasmeen has known the team from a previous walk of life and was tasked with assisting them with a number of onsite compliance training courses to meet their challenging training matrix requirements.

The Trust was looking for support in both Water and Mechanical & Electrical disciplines. Yasmeen was more than happy to organise and accommodate City & Guilds accredited training for their team across their multiple hospital sites.

The Solution

The courses which aligned with the trust’s training matrix, included the delivery of City & Guilds accredited Competent Person Water, Competent Person Low Voltage, Competent Person Mechanical & Pressure Systems training along with Lift Entrapment.

Value Added

Training officially began mid-end of 2022, and to date, we have received fantastic feedback from their estates and management team who were in attendance.

The trust placed confidence in Hydro-X Training to deliver a number of onsite and they have since put forward requests for further training quotes in other areas.

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